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Child Health

Daleville City Schools Medication Policy

The regulations governing medication administration at Daleville City Schools are in according with those of the Alabama Department of Education and Alabama Board of Nursing.

  1. No prescription medications will be given at school without completion of appropriate paperwork (School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization form) by a parent/guardian and healthcare provider. This form may be obtained from the school nurse.
  2. Approved prescription medications for chronic health conditions may be self-administered by the student (according to the orders of the prescriber) if the parent or legal guardian provides the School Medication Prescriber / Parent Authorization form completed and signed by both the parent/guardian and prescribing physician with acknowledgement that the school shall incur no liability in regards to any claims that may arise relating to the self-administration of these approved medications. (Act 2007-463, Act 2003-271)
  3. Over-the-counter medications taken during the school day must be approved by the school nurse. An authorization form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian PRIOR to medication being given. Over-the-counter medications are NOT provided by the school. If desired to be given during school hours, these medications must be in a container with the original label and the child's name.
  4. Asthma inhalers, Epi-Pens, and medications approved for self-administration may be carried on the student's person as indicated on the School Medication Prescriber / Parent Authorization form.
  5. All prescription medication should be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled container.
  6. Medications to be stored and/or given by school personnel should be turned in to the school nurse or medication assistant to be counted and recorded.
  7. Only the school nurse or school personnel who have completed a medication training program will be allowed to give medication.
  8. No student is permitted to posses a controlled substance on school property. Prescription medications of this type will be administered by the school nurse or medication assistant and must be brought to the school by a parent/guardian or adult family member.