The regulations governing medication administration at Daleville City Schools are in according with those of the Alabama Department of Education and Alabama Board of Nursing.
- No prescription medications will be given at school without completion of appropriate paperwork (School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization form) by a parent/guardian and healthcare provider. This form may be obtained from the school nurse.
- Approved prescription medications for chronic health conditions may be self-administered by the student (according to the orders of the prescriber) if the parent or legal guardian provides the School Medication Prescriber / Parent Authorization form completed and signed by both the parent/guardian and prescribing physician with acknowledgement that the school shall incur no liability in regards to any claims that may arise relating to the self-administration of these approved medications. (Act 2007-463, Act 2003-271)
- Over-the-counter medications taken during the school day must be approved by the school nurse. An authorization form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian PRIOR to medication being given. Over-the-counter medications are NOT provided by the school. If desired to be given during school hours, these medications must be in a container with the original label and the child's name.
- Asthma inhalers, Epi-Pens, and medications approved for self-administration may be carried on the student's person as indicated on the School Medication Prescriber / Parent Authorization form.
- All prescription medication should be brought to school in a pharmacy-labeled container.
- Medications to be stored and/or given by school personnel should be turned in to the school nurse or medication assistant to be counted and recorded.
- Only the school nurse or school personnel who have completed a medication training program will be allowed to give medication.
- No student is permitted to posses a controlled substance on school property. Prescription medications of this type will be administered by the school nurse or medication assistant and must be brought to the school by a parent/guardian or adult family member.